Development on the game is still currently in progress. Page will be updated with more information as we go!

I’ve been working as a student level designer on the action-platformer K3LVN with the rest of the team at RNG Forge. I owned the Containment Facility area of the game though conception, blockmesh, iteration, and first pass set dressing and lighting. I also made the Testing Facility (aka tutorial), and organized narrative documentation and scripting dialogue, events, and a few proxy cutscenes.

Game Coming soon!

Play the playtest on Steam.

Planning and Design

Isometric map for a segment of gameplay for the foundry that ended up getting scrapped early on in the process.


I had ownership of the early portions of the game, the Testing Chamber, which functions as the tutorial, as well as the Containment Facility, the area directly after. Since our gameplay mechanics required a lot of vertical movement using the various state changes, I decided rough draft gameplay maps would best be conveyed though isometric sketches, with a golden path showing what states the player would need to change into to traverse the area.

Isometric map of the first iteration of the containment facility, the first area of the game.

Conveyer-Belt Puzzle Paper Prototype

I also spent three hours creating a paper prototype for a type of rotating conveyer belt puzzle that another level designer on the team came up with, to help test if the type of puzzle was fun before the mechanics were implemented or prototyped in-engine, since that would likely take many more work hours to see if the type of puzzle was engaging than it took to make the paper prototype.

Storage for the various pieces of the prototype.

The play area of the paper prototype.


Directions on use.

A short video of one of the action blocks I made, partially adapted into the Containment Facility.


Early on in the process of blockmeshing, the level designers spent a two week sprint just making fun blocks of gameplay to later integrate into the levels. After making several fun action blocks, I found ways to integrate them into the Containment facility and started to blockmesh out the area, iterating further away from the initial maps as the mechanics continued to be developed and feedback was given.

Set Dressing

I was responsible for the first pass at set dressing in the Containment Facility and Testing Chamber, using a variety of asset packs and original assets made by artists on the team to make it work with the rest of the game’s themes while maintaining the darker, more desolate tone of the testing facility. These shots are from before all of the original assets where finished, so a few key assets were missing, to be updated.

The tutorial for K3LVN is a series of configurations that I designed and animated using level sequencer events. Each of the three configurations focuses on teaching the mechanics of one of K3LVN’s three states.